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Privacy Policy

While visiting the website, make sure to read this privacy policy about how and why we collect the user’s personal information.

Collecting Personal Data

You would not be asked about your personal data to scroll the website but if you opt for customer service, you’d have to share your personal information. Our company, Green Kings Landscaping, holds a database of our customers and potential customers who contact us through the website in order to provide better service offers and updates. For the personal data, we ask about the customers’ identification details, their preferred service or the query, and a consent about whether you want us to save and use the data for future references.

Sharing your information

We may share your contact details or other identification information including your desired service preferences with other agencies that we are working along or government agencies to prevent possible treacheries.

We do not intentionally sell,leak or compromise any personal information of our customers and website users to third parties without their consent.

How do we use the information?

We use the information to boost our company and our website’s performance to benefit both the company and the user/customer. We also encourage feedback. Nevertheless, we use this information for our marketing purpose by sending emails regarding the new services, offers and other updates about the company.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to emphasise the user experience. These cookies help us analyse the website user’s pattern and other information about their clicks and preferences, location and their interests. With this information, we can intensify the website performance and make the website more user-friendly.

Replacement of privacy policy

We may replace or modify the privacy policy anytime when needed. So we prefer you to keep checking the privacy policy of the websites to stay updated of the new changes.

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